- Committee Details - University Scholarship Committee
- Scholarship Notifications
- Summary of scholarships, Last Date, Downloads etc.
- Equal Opportunity Cell - Member's Details
Scholarship Committee Details –
Sr. No. Name of the faculty/staff members Role Email ID Intercom No. Mobile No. 1 Dr. S. S. Ohol, Asso. Professor, Mechanical Engg. Chairman sso.mech@coepTech.ac.in 020 25507918 9850503949 2 Dr. S. B. Mane, Asso Professor, Computer Science & Engg Coordinator Sarathi Scholarships sunilbmane.comp@coep.ac.in 020 25507321 9822799644 3 Dr. S. V. Wagh, Asst. Professor, Mechanical Engg Coordinator OBC & VJNT Students Scholarships svw.mech@coep.ac.in 020 25507929 9423582525 4 Dr. M. T. Bhoite, Adj. Faculty, Mechanical Engg Co-Coordinator OBC & VJNT Students Scholarships mtb.mech@coeptech.ac.in – 7588286030 5 Dr. V. T. Thavale, Asst. Professor, Metallurgy & Material Sci Coordinator Non-Govt / Private Scholarships vtt.meta@coep.ac.in 020 25507813 9011926261 6 Mrs. K. A. Ghodinde, Asst. Professor, Instru. & Control Engg Co-Coordinators Non-Govt / Private Scholarships ssk.instru@coep.ac.in 020 25507604 9372115504 7 Dr. Mrs. A. A. Kulkarni, Asst. Professor, Elect. & Telecom Engg aak.extc@coep.ac.in 020 25507523 9373782248 8 Dr. Mrs. Jibi Abraham, Professor, Computer Science & Engg coordinator International & PG-Govt Scholarship ja.comp@coep.ac.in 020 25507302 9561970885 9 Dr. Mrs. P. P. Shingare, Asst. Professor, Elect. & Telecom Engg Co-coordinator International & PG-Govt Scholarship pps.extc@coep.ac.in 020 25507518 9881737322 10 Dr. M. R. Shindikar, Asst. Professor, Applied Sci. & Humanities coordinator –Earn while Learn Scholarships smh.appsci@coep.ac.in 020 25507107 9422518291 11 Mr. Abhijeet Meenakshi, Asst. Professor, Computer Science & Engg Co-coordinator –Earn while Learn Scholarships abhijit.comp@coep.ac.in 020 25507301 9422308125 12 Dr. Mrs. K. S. Suranje, Asst. Professor, Applied Sci. & Humanities Coordinator –FY students Scholarship knj.appsci@coep.ac.in 020 25507102 9730030892 13 Mrs. N. A. Patil, Asst. Professor, Dept of Physics Co-Coordinator –FY students Scholarship pna.physics@coep.ac.in 020 25507153 9730127289 14 Mrs. V. B. Bhole, Asst. Professor, Electrical Engineering Coordinator- Girl Student Scholarships vbb.elec@coep.ac.in 020 25507401 7350408554 15 Mrs. P. S. Gandhile, Adj. Faculty, Planning Co-Coordinator- Girl Student Scholarships psg.civil@coep.ac.in 020 25507235 8793575331 16 Dr. S. M. Nawghare, Asst. Professor, Civil Engg Coordinator SC Students Scholarships smn.mech@coep.ac.in 020 25507217 9420321390 17 Mr. S. U. Ghunage, Asst. Professor, Manuf. Engg & IM Coordinator ST Students Scholarships sug.mfg@coep.ac.in 020 25507707 9403244044 18 Mrs. A. B. Londhe, Supt. Workshop, Asst. Professor,Manuf. Engg & IM Coordinator JK & PMSS abl.mfg@coep.ac.in 020 25507721 9890386249 19 Dr. A. R. Khobragade, Asst. Professor, Computer Science & Engg Coordinator AICTE Scholarship anishraj.comp@coep.ac.in 020 25507318 7276626277 20 Dr. S. M. Patil, Asst. Professor, Manuf. Engg & IM Coordinator PM Vidyalaxmi Scholarship smp.mfg@coep.ac.in 020 25507721 9822299276 21 Dr. M. P. Khond, Asso. Professor, Director of Students Development Invited Members mpk.mech@coep.ac.in 020 25507912 9423023902 22 Dr. R. N. Ladhwe, Asso. Professor, Training & Placement Officer rnl.mech@coep.ac.in 020 25507913 8007772193 23 Mr. P. V. Chaudhary, Finance and Accounts Officer pvc.office@coeptech.ac.in 020 25507003 9423974210 24 Ms V S Kalel, Student Section vidya.studentsection@coeptech.ac.in 020 25507044 9284848980 25 Dr. D. N. Sonawane, Registrar registrar@coeptech.ac.in 020 25507612 9822888944 26 Mrs. Kanchan. S. Sukre, Accounts – Scholarship Section Convener kss.office@coeptech.ac.in 020 25507056 9765226037