- Committee Details - University Scholarship Committee
- Scholarship Notifications
- Summary of scholarships, Last Date, Downloads etc.
- Equal Opportunity Cell - Member's Details
Corrigendum Office Order Equal Opportunity Cell Committee –
Equal Opportunity Cell
Sr.No Name of the Faculty / Staff
Role Email ID Contact No 1. Prof. Sunil Bhirud, VC or his nominee Chairperson VC or his nominee vc@coeptech.ac.in 020 25507001 2. Dr. Pramod Shendge Head, Instrumentation & Control Engg Adviser Pds.instru@coep.ac.in 020 25507611 3. Dr. Rajaram Ugale Head, Electrical Engg Dept Member hod.elec@coeptech.ac.in 020 25507413 4. Dr. (Mrs.) Y.V. Haribhakta Director of Board of Examinations and Evaluation & Asso. Prof, Comp. Science & Engg Dept. Member director.exam@coeptech.ac.in 020 25507313 5. Dr. Shantipal Ohol Asso. Professor / Chairman, Scholarship Committee Invitee sso.mech@coeptech.ac.in 020 25507918 6. Prof. Anish Khobragade Asst. Professor, Comp. Science and Engineering Dept. Invitee anishraj.comp@coep.ac.in 020 25507318