Accessibility Tools

COEP Technological University

A Unitary Public University of Government of Maharashtra
(Formerly College of Engineering Pune)


    Guidelines for Student Verification/Transcript Issuance

    Any Organization/Industries/College/Institute/Student who want to request for Student Verification please follow the below steps:

    1. Email your verification request to with CC to
    2. You will receive a mail which specifies the following steps to execute your requirement:
      1. Visit our website
      2. Find STUDENT CORNER tab on the horizontal bar.
      3. Choose the option- Student Transcript and Verification.
      4. Select the appropriate link – either Student Verification or Student Transcript
      5. You will be guided to the Selected option page for the needful.
      6. Proceed further as per the requirement given on the page.

Student Transcript and Verification


Guidelines for Student Verification/Transcript Issuance

Any Organization/Industries/College/Institute/Student who want to request for Student Verification please follow the below steps:

  1. Email your verification request to with CC to
  2. You will receive a mail which specifies the following steps to execute your requirement:
    1. Visit our website
    2. Find STUDENT CORNER tab on the horizontal bar.
    3. Choose the option- Student Transcript and Verification.
    4. Select the appropriate link – either Student Verification or Student Transcript
    5. You will be guided to the Selected option page for the needful.
    6. Proceed further as per the requirement given on the page.