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COEP Technological University

A Unitary Public University of Government of Maharashtra
(Formerly College of Engineering Pune)

  • Ms. Neelima A Patil

    Ms. Neelima A Patil

    Assistant Professor

    Physics Department, COEP Technological University, Pune

    Phone: 020-25507151


    M Phil. (Physics) 2017 SPPU

    M Sc (Physics) 2003 RTMNU

    Research Interest/Area


    Gas sensors

    Thin films


    21 years teaching experience


    1. Fabrication of 2.76% Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 Thin Film Solar Cells using Pulsed Laser Deposition Technique,N A Patil, GL Agawane, SN Awandkar, NR Kadam, YS Patil, Journal of Innovation and Translational Research 1, 55-59

    2. Effect of Lanthanum doping on properties of ZnS thin films for water splitting
    YS Patil, NA Patil, GL Agawane, SS Mali, CK Hong, Solid State Phenomena 350, 109-114

    3. Effect of Annealing on the Physical Properties of LaFeO3 Perovskite Nanomaterial Prepared by Co-Precipitation Method for H2 Generation, NA Patil, YS Patil, GL Agawane, M Kulthe, JW Dadge, A Yengantiwar, Materials Science Forum 1099, 139-144

    4. Effect of complexing agent on structural, morphological, and optical properties of ZnS thin films prepared using uniform heating technique, YS Patil, NA Patil, SA Meshram, GL Agawane
    Materials Today: Proceedings

    5.Characterization of CuInTe2 thin films deposited by electrochemical technique
    NA Patil, M Lakhe, NB Chaure, AIP Conference Proceedings 1447 (1), 1073-1074

    6. Study of Magnetic behaviour and Conduction Mechanism of CuNiTiO4, MT S.S. Reddy, R.N.Ghodpage, R.H.Amnerkar and Neelima D.Narkhede, Material science research India 3 (1), 15-

    7.Study of Electrical Conductivity and Conduction Mechanism of CuNiTiO4, NDNSHD R.H. Amnerkar, R.N. Ghodpage, Material science research India 3 (2), 195-196

    Research Projects

    Interdisciplinary Minor research Project of Rs. 5Lacs