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COEP Technological University

A Unitary Public University of Government of Maharashtra
(Formerly College of Engineering Pune)

  • Dr. Mrs. M. H. Yadav

    Dr. Mrs. M. H. Yadav

    Phone: 020-2550-7931


    Assistant Professor


    B. E. (Mechanical), M. E. (Production Engineering.), Ph. D. (Mechanical)

    Area of Research

    Vibration, Condition Monitoring, CNC Machining


    Teaching: 24 years, Industry: 3.5 years

    Courses taught

    UG Level: Noise and Vibration, Mechanical Measurement, Theory of
    Machines II, Material Science, CIM, Machine Drawing, Engineering Graphics,
    PG Level: Condition Monitoring, Advance Engineering Materials,


    Journal publications
    1. M. H. Yadav and S. S. Mohite, “Controlling deformations of thin-walled Al 6061-T6
    components by adaptive clamping,” Procedia Manufacturing 20 (2018) 509–516.
    2. K. Kannadasan, Damodar Reddy Edla, Manisha H. Yadav, and Annushree Bablani,
    “Intelligent-ANFIS Model for Predicting Measurement of Surface Roughness and
    Geometric Tolerances in Three-Axis CNC Milling” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation
    and Measurement, Vol. 69, No. 10, October 2020 7683
    DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2020.2980599
    3. Ajaykumar Narke, Manisha Yadav, “FIBI-buffer an alternative packaging material for
    polyurethane”, Materials Today: Proceedings , Vol 72 (2023) pp 1479–1485.

    Conference publications
    1. M. H. Yadav and S. S. Mohite, “Development of a Decision Support System for Fixture
    Design Communications in Computer and Information Science,” 2011, Volume 145,
    Part 1, pp.182-189
    2. Manisha Yadav and Suhas Mohite, “Numerical and Experimental Studies on Fixture-
    Workpiece Contact and Structural Deformations in Pocket Milling,” presented at
    ICCASP/ICMMD-2016, December 2017, Published by Atlantis Press, Advances in
    Intelligent Systems Research. Vol. 137, pp. 212-219.
    3. M. H. Yadav and S. S. Mohite, “A Novel Fixture Design with Embedded Hydraulic
    Piping and Manifold System,” Seventh international conference COPEN -7, on Dec.
    10-11, 2011, at COE Pune.
    4. Rohit Kumar, Manisha Yadav and Suhas Mohite, “Study of Modal Properties of
    Fixture-Workpiece System with Consideration of Material Removal”, Proceedings of
    6th International & 27th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research
    Conference (AIMTDR-2016) at College of Engineering, Pune, December 16-18, 2016,
    pp. 764 -768, ISBN: 978-93-86256-27-0
    5. M. H. Yadav and S. S. Mohite, “Tracking variations in the natural frequencies of fixture
    workpiece system during pocket milling,” Technology Drivers: Engine for Growth
    Proceedings of the 6th Nirma University International Conference on Engineering
    (NUiCONE 2017), November 23-25, 2017, Ahmedabad, India (pp.197-202),
    3143-30, Publisher: CRC Press Taylor & Francis London
    6. Yadav M. H. and Mohite S. S, “Comparison of Simulated and Measured Workpiece
    Deflection Profile Under Different Clamping Pressures,” 3rd National Conference on
    Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering (NCRTME – 2018), Vol. 2, pp. 291-296, at
    WCE, Sangli.
    7. Manisha Yadav and Suhas Mohite, “Monitoring and Control of Workpiece Vibrations
    Using Proportional Hydraulic Clamping Mechanism,” (ASME DSCC 2018) Dynamic
    Systems and Control Conference 2018, at Atlanta, Georgia, USA, (Proceedings ACM
    Digital) DSCC2018-8964, V003T39A004, pp.1-6.
    8. Manisha Yadav and Suhas Mohite, “A Comparative Study of theEffectiveness of
    Vibration and Acoustic Emission in Diagnosing Gearbox Faults”, Part of the book
    series: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering ((LNME)) , Recent Advances in
    Computational and Experimental Mechanics, Vol—I, pp 587–601.