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COEP Technological University

A Unitary Public University of Government of Maharashtra
(Formerly College of Engineering Pune)

  • Mr. Rashinkar

    Mr. Rashinkar

    Adjunct Faculty

    HemantSunville,Opp Swami Narayan MandirAmbegaon KH, Pune 411046.

    Phone: 9960939042

    1. Qualification

    Postdoctral degree college Name/ University, Year of passing
    MTech/Msc…..Aug 2018

    2. Experience:

    Industrial3 Yrs 9 Months+Teaching 8.5yrs

    3. Research Interest/Area:

    Power Quality in Power System Engg

    4. Publication:

    Books: Author name, “Book Title”, Publisher, Year,Edition, ISBN No

    5. Recent Teachings: (last three years teaching specified)

    A.Y. 2023-24 Semester I: ,Assistant Professor at AISSMSs IOIT Shivajinagar Pune Since 08 Feb 2023- 31 May 2024.
    EIDCBM sem V Electrical Engg. TW for Electrical Hybrid Vehicles
    Semester II:Assistant Professor at AISSMSs IOIT Shivajinagar Pune Since 08 Feb 2023- 31 May 2024. Switchgear & Protection Sem 8 SPPU, Energy Storage Batteries Sem 6 SPPU.