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COEP Technological University

A Unitary Public University of Government of Maharashtra
(Formerly College of Engineering Pune)

  • Dr. Shweta N. Chaure

    Dr. Shweta N. Chaure

    Assistant Professor

    Physics Department, COEP Technological University, Pune

    Phone: 020-25507151


    PhD Physics, December, 2004
    Thesis Title-“Studies of binary and ternary nanocrystalline thin films”
    Barkatullah University (Bhopal University),

    Msc. Physics, June 2000 (Ist Division)
    Barkatullah University, ( Bhopal University), INDIA.

    Postdoctoral Experience

    a) Queen Mary, University of London
    (Sept. 2006 to May 2009)
    Post doctoral research Associate,
    Department of Engineering and Material

    b) Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland
    (Sept 2004 to Sept 2006).
    Post doctoral research Fellow,
    Physics Department


    21 Years

    Research Interest/Area

    Low Dimensional Material


    Device Physics

    PhD Student (Co) Guided

    Awarded: 01

    Ongoing: 01

    Funded Projects

    1. Heterojunction Nanowire Arrays for
    photovoltaic Devices

    Funding Agency : SERB (2017-2020)

    Budget Sanctioned: 24 lacs

    2. Development of ordered one dimensional nanostructured CdS/CdTe solar cell nanoarray

    Funding Agency : UGC-DAE (2018-2021)

    Budget Sanctioned: 2.5 lacs


    1. Study of substrate dependent microstructural properties of sputtered Mo/CZTS heterojunctions using X ray diffraction
    KB Chavan, SV Desarada, S Chaure, NB Chaure
    Solid State Sciences 158, 107739 (2024)

    2. Dark current in FTO/CZTS interface: a comprehensive comparison of practical Vs theoretical approach using SCAPS-1D
    KB Chavan, SV Desarada, S Chaure, NB Chaure
    Physica Scripta 99 (11), 115947 (2024)

    3. Investigation of CdSe quantum dots embedded in copper phthalocyanine thin films
    GR Bhand, SM Sonawane, A Ukarande, DP Sali, MV Salve, PU Londhe, Shweta
    Chaure , N. B Chaure Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 35 (19),1308 (2024)

    4.Optimization of Growth Parameters of the RF-Sputtered CuInGaSe2 Thin Films for Photovoltaic Applications SV Desarada, KB Chavan, S Chaure, NB Chaure
    ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 12 (8), 085004 2023

    5.Characterization of Sb2Te3 thin films prepared by electrochemical technique
    SM Sonawane, S Chaure, NB Chaure
    Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 172, 111095 2023

    6.Investigation of the effect of Manganese doping in CdS nanocrystalline thin films, Shweta Chaure, Materials Research Express, 2,6,(2018)

    7.MEH-PPV/CdS hybrid nanowire polymer solar cell array, Journal of Electronics Materials, Shweta Chaure Journal of Electronic Materials 48, 1074-1078

    8.Synthesis and characterization of vertically aligned cadmium oxide nanowire array Shweta Chaure, Journal of Material Science Materials in Electronics 5, (2017) 5733

    9.Investigation on the effect of Cu-doping to ZnTe layers by lowcost electrochemical
    Approach Journal of Material Science Materials in Electronics 16 (2017)

    10.Spectroscopic Investigation of sulphonated Phthalocyanine to probe enzyme reaction for hevy metal ions.
    Shweta Chaure, D Paul and A K Ray, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 173 (2010) 253

    11.Optical Characterization of oxide encapsulated Silicon Nanowires of various morphologies
    S M King, Shweta Chaure, S Krishnamurti, A Colli, A C Ferrari and W J Blau, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 8 (2008), 4202

    12.Fabrication and Characterisation of Silver/Polyaniline Composite Nanowires in Porous Anodic Alumina
    A Drury, S Chaure, V Nicolosi and W J Blau, Chemistry of Materials, 19 (2007), 425

    13.Scattering induced optical limiting in Si/SiO2 nanostructure dispersions.
    Sharon M. King, Shweta Chaure, James Doyle, Alan Colli, Andrea C. Ferrari and Werner J. Blau, Optics Communications, 276 (2007), 305

    14.Stoichiometric effects on optical properties of cadmium sulphide quantum dots
    S Chaure, N B Chaure, R K Pandey and A K Ray, IET Circuits Devices & Systems, 1 (2007) 215

    15.Electric field assisted growth of self –organised CdS films: size dependent structural and optical properties.
    Shweta Chaure, N B Chaure and R K Pandey, Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology, 7 (2007) 945

    16.Self-organized CdSSe quantum dots thin films.
    Shweta Chaure, N B Chaure and R K Pandey, Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology, 6 (2006) 731

    17.Self assembled CdSe nanocrystalline films.
    Shweta Chaure, N B Chaure and R K Pandey, Physica E, 28 (2005) 439

    18.Interaction behaviour of spun films of poly [3-(6-methoxyhexyl1) thiophene] derivatives with ambient gases.
    S Chaure, B Yang, A K Hassan and A K Ray, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 37 (2004) 1558

    19. Phenomenological electrical studies on Diamond films
    S Chaure, N B Chaure, A K Hassan and A K Ray, H S Reehal, A Ghermazion and R Capan, Vacuum, 17 (2005) 231

    20. Investigation of size-dependent optical and morphological properties of nanocrystalline ZnSe films.
    J Mazher, Shweta Badwe, Ragini Sengar, Dhirendra Gupta and R K Pandey, Physica E, 16 (2003) 209

    21.Investigation of electronic quality of chemical bath deposited CdS layers used in thin film photovoltaic solar cells.
    N B Chaure, S Bordas, A P Samantilleke, S N Chaure, J Haigh and I M Dharmadasa, Thin Solid Films, 437 (2003) 10

    22.Investigation of non-aqueous electrodeposited CdS/Cd1-xZnxTe heterojunction solar cells
    Nandu B. Chaure, Shweta Chaure and R K Pandey, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 81 (2004) 39

    23.Cd1-xZnxTe thin films formed by non-aqueous electrochemical route.
    N B Chaure, Shweta Chaure and R K Pandey , Electrochimica Acta, 54 (2008) 296.