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COEP Technological University

A Unitary Public University of Government of Maharashtra
(Formerly College of Engineering Pune)

  • Dr. S. S. Pardeshi

    Dr. S. S. Pardeshi &

    Phone: 020-2550-7919


    Associate Professor


    Teaching Experience: 25 Years
    Industrial Experience: 1 Year


    Ph.D. (Mechanical),
    M.E. (Production),
    B.E. (Mechanical).

    Teaching Responsibilities

    Subjects Taught at UG level
    Theory – Elements of Mechanical Engineering, Basic Thermodynamics, Mechanical Technology, Engineering Graphics, Numerical Methods, Machine Drawing & Computer Graphics, Automobile Engineering.
    Practical – Elements of Mechanical Engineering, Basic Thermodynamics, Engineering Graphics, Numerical Methods, Machine Drawing & Computer Graphics.
    Subject Taught at PG level – Numerical Methods & Computational Techniques
    Number of PhD students guided – 2 (1 awarded, 1 thesis submitted)
    Number of PhD students guiding – 2 (pursuing)
    Number of PG students for dissertation – 8
    Number of UG batches guided for project – 30
    Number of students guided for Sandwich Training – 4

    Additional Responsibilities

    Faculty Advisor – ZEST 2012 (a national level engineering students sports meet)
    -Vice President – Boat Club

    Administrative Responsibilities:
    1. Chairman UG Admission process, FY BTech, SYBTech, NRI Admission (2013-14).
    2. Joint Organizing Secretary for International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 29-31 May 2013.
    3. Invited as Research recognition (RR) committee member for NMU Jalgaon.
    4. Worked in the capacity of Facilitator for ‘Indo- US Research Academy’ organized by COEP in association with IIT Kanpur and RPI, USA during October 2008.
    5. Worked as member of core committee of First Year M-Tech. admissions for last two years (2006 & 2007).
    6. Worked as core committee member for institutes “Faculty Development Cell” under TEQIP.
    7. Worked as committee member for institutes “Community Development & Tribal Development Cell” under TEQIP.
    8. Working as departmental staff advisor for training and placement cell, for last ten years (2001 to till date).
    9. Working as committee member of First Year B-Tech. admissions for last ten years (2000-2010).
    10. Worked as committee member for MBA/MCA admissions for two years (2005 & 2006).
    11. Working as committee member of Direct Second Year engineering admissions for last five years (2005-2010).
    12. Worked as committee member for Pharmacy and Architecture admissions for one year (2002).
    13. Worked in organizing committee of ‘National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and fluid power’ December 2009, organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering Pune.
    14. Worked in organizing committee of ‘Indian Mathematical Society Centenary Year Celebrations 73rd Annual Conference’ 27- 30 December 2007, organized by Department of Mathematics, University of Pune.
    15. Worked in organizing committee of International Conference on Advances in Machine Design & Industrial Automation (ICAMDIA 07), organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering Pune.
    16. Worked in organizing one day, “National Workshop on Industry Institute Interaction”, under TEQIP in 2006.
    17. Worked in organizing committee of “National Conference on Energy & Fuel Issues of Future (NCEFIF 04)”, organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering Pune.
    18. Worked in organizing second state level ISTE student Chapter Convention for Maharashtra- Goa during, September 23-24, 2002.
    19. Worked as course coordinator for the subject, Engineering Graphics for two years (2003-04).

    Extra-curricular activities:
    1. Vice President Boat Club from July 2012
    2. Working as staff advisor “ZEST”
    3. Working as staff advisor “Boat Club”
    4. Working as staff advisor “Gymkhana”(Cultural)
    5. Working as Staff Advisor for “Student Alumni Coordination Cell”: SACC (A cell formed to initiate dialogue and establishing bonding between students and alumni), (Since 2006).
    6. Under SACC initiated the “Web Guru” project under which lecture series are arranged for students. (The lectures are by distinguished alumni, professionals and are live telecasted).
    7. Under SACC guiding a group of students who are maintaining the Institute website.
    8. Worked as Gymkhana Staff Advisor for the games Hockey and Football for three years. (2004 – 2006).
    9. Was invited as Judge for the Contraption Competition held under FERVOR for two years (2005- 2006).
    10. Was a team member of “Community Development & Tribal Development Cell” and visited various ITI’s for feasibility study of mutual beneficial technical exchange.

    Other activities:
    1. Invited as Judge for paper fest Event of Olympus 2k13, at SVERI’s College of Engineering, Pandharpur, 15th of September 2013.
    2. Invited for guest lecture on ‘Scope of Mechanical Engineering’, at RMD Sinhgad Technical Institute Campus, Warje Pune 411058, on 20th July 2013.
    3. Invited as Guest of Honor at STTP inauguration function at Shri Sant Gadge Baba College of Engineering & Technology, Bhusawal, Dist Jalgaon.
    4. Invited to review papers and conduct a session in “National conference on Production Engineering (NCPE2010)”, organized by Department of Production, SGGGSI & T, Vishnupuri, Nanded.
    5. Invited as resource person for one day workshop on “Advanced Manufacturing” organized by Rajaram Institute of Technology, Sakharale on 27th March 2010.
    6. Invited as resource person for one day workshop on “Futuristic Manufacturing” organized by Matsyodari Sikshan Sanstha’s, College of Engineering, Jalna on 29th March 2008.
    7. Conducted lecture for Engineers from Kirloskar Brothers and Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd. on “Machine Drawing” in 2004. (Two batches).

    Faculty development programs attended and other activities:
    1. One week short term TEQIP sponsored course, ‘Finite elements in engineering’ organized by Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Pune, July 09-13, 2013.
    2. One week short term TEQIP sponsored course, ‘Lean Six Sigma’ organized by Department of Production Engineering, College of Engineering, Pune, July 02-06, 2012.
    3. One week short term TEQIP sponsored course, ‘LaTeX for technical documentation’ organized by Department of Instrumentation & Control, College of Engineering, Pune, June 12-16, 2012.
    4. Two week faculty development AICTE sponsored program “A Graphical programming language LabVIEW and its Industrial Applications, organized by Department of Instrumentation & Control, College of Engineering, Pune, May, 14-25, 2012.
    5. Two week staff development AICTE sponsored program “Excellence in Maintenance Engineering”, organized by Department of Production Engineering, College of Engineering, Pune, Dec. 12-14, 2011.
    6. Participated in Indo-US Workshop on Microfluidics and Fabrionics (Microfabrication) 2009, held during 9th to 11th January 2009 at IIT Kharagpur.
    7. Attended the “First SERC school on Micromachining” organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Bombay, June 2-7 2008.
    8. Attended ‘MEMS and Micromachining Workshop’ at Radiance 07, organized at IIT Bombay on March 10-11, 2007.
    9. Attended TEQIP sponsored workshop on ‘Micro and Presicion Engineering’ organized by department of Mechanical Engineering, Rajarambapu Instittue of Technology, Rajaramnagar during 6th and 7th January 2006.
    10. Attended STTP on “ Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer” organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Pune, during January 3-15,2005.
    11. Attended STTP on, “Developing Teaching Competencies” organized by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research extension Centre, Pune during December 20-31,2004.
    12. Attended STTP on “Opportunities and Challenges in High Precision manufacturing: vision 2020” organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, during November 18-30, 2002.
    13. One day workshop on, “MEMS and Precision Engineering”, organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Bombay on 11th of March, 2007.
    14. Participated in three days program on, “Essential skills for Teaching & Analytical Skills”.
    15. Attended training program on Programming, Operation and Maintenance of WEDM, at Electronica Pvt Ltd, Saswad during May 22-26, 2006.
    16. Attended one day seminar on “ Networking with ITI’s” organized by Community Development & Tribal Development Cell under TEQIP, College of Engineering, Pune on 19th April, 2006.
    17. Participated in one day program on, “Teachers as Leaders”.
    18. Attended three days program on, “Fluency in English” under TEQIP faculty development cell.
    19. Participated in three days workshop on, “Recent Trends in Manufacturing” organized by Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Sakhrale, during January 6-8, 2006.
    20. Attended training program on “Enhancement of Administrative & Managerial Skills (EAMS 05), conducted by MA Foi Management Consultants and wisdom Consulting, Pune (Three phase training).
    21. Attended program on, “Enhancing Teaching Excellence and Integration of technology in Class Room Teaching” during September 14-16, 2005.
    22. Attended program on “Competency based Education & Development of Institute”, organized under Canada- India Institute Industry Linkage project during October 25-29, 2002.
    23. Participated in three days workshop on, “Creativity, Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights” organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering & Alumni Association of COEP during May 21-23, 2002.
    24. Invited as examiner for revaluation cap, University of Pune for the subject ‘Computer Applications’ for three consecutive years. (2004-06).

    Programs organized under Faculty Development Cell, TEQIP:

    • Worked in the capacity of Coordinator for organizing following courses:
    1. One week program on “Programming, Operation and Maintenance of WEDM”, at Electronica Pvt Ltd, Saswad during May 22-26, 2006.
    2. Three days program on, “Attitudinal Development” for supporting staff.

    • Worked in the capacity of Co-coordinator for organizing following courses:
    1. One day awareness program on “Effective Usage of Electricity” for First year
    B. Tech. students.
    2. Three days program on, “Essential skills for Teaching & Analytical Skills”.
    3. One day program on, “Teachers as Leaders” (Three batches).
    4. Three phase program on “Enhancement of Administrative & Managerial Skills (EAMS 05-06), conducted by MA Foi Management Consultants and Wisdom Consulting, Pune (Three batches).
    5. Three days program on, “Fluency in English” under TEQIP faculty development cell (Three batches).
    6. Three days program on, “Enhancing Teaching Excellence and Integration of technology in Class Room Teaching” during September 14-16, 2005.

    Design of courses at UG level:
    • Numerical Methods
    • Engineering Graphics

    Research Projects/ Consultancy work::
    1. ‘Development of Virtual Micromanufacturing Laboratory’, MHRD project, 45.00 lakhs.
    2. ‘Development of Virtual Micromanufacturing Laboratory’, QEEE project, MHRD, 3.00 lakhs.
    3. Consultancy work to the tune of Rs. 2.5 lakhs was carried out in the last three years on the Wire EDM, from various parties involving Department of Electrical, IIT Bombay, Forbes Marshall India and others.
    4. Consultancy work form Pune cyber crime department regarding piracy.


    Book Chapter:
    P. K. Mishra, S. B. Patil, S. S. Pardeshi, and S. R. Kajale Co-author, Chapter 6 on ‘Mechanical Micromanufacturing: An overview’ in the book “Microfluidics and Micromanufacturing” Springer, New York, 2010, ISBN:978-1-4419-1543-6.
    International Journal
    1. S S Bhavikatti, S S Pardeshi, “Thermal Modeling of Laser Transformation Hardening” Communicated to Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Elsevier, Nov. 2013, (Under Review)
    2. Bhagyesh Deshmukh, Sujit Pardeshi, Roohshad Mistry, Sachin Kandharkar, Santosh Wagh, “Development of a Four bar Compliant Mechanism using Pseudo Rigid Body Model (PRBM)”, Accepted for publication at 3rd International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization (ICMPC 2014) and Procedia Material Science, Open Access Journal, Elsevier
    3. Selmokar P. H., Mundra S.S., Pardeshi S. S., “Necessity of current and voltage signature analysis in WEDM”, in International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering (IJETAE), (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified) Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2013.
    4. Bhagyesh Deshmukh, Sujit Pardeshi, “A study of various compliant micromechanism and introduction of a micro motion replicating compliant mechanism”, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering & Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 – 6340 (Print), ISSN 0976 – 6359 (Online), Volume 3, Issue 3, September – December (2012), pp.574-582
    5. Bhagyesh Deshmukh, Sujit Pardeshi, P. K. Mishra, “Conceptual Design of a Compliant Pantograph” in International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering (IJETAE), (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified), Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012.
    6. Bhavikatti S. S., Pardeshi S. S., Mishra P. K., “Investigation for hardening of Cast Iron using Low-power Fiber laser” in International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT), (ISSN: 2277-3754, ISO 9001:2008 Certified), Volume 2, Issue 2, August 2012.
    International Conference
    1. Bhagyesh Deshmukh, Sachin Kandharkar and Sujit Pardeshi, “Development of a flexure based micromechanism for linear motion amplification” , Communicated to International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications, June 2014(Communicated)
    2. Sushant Thambkar, A.M Mulla, R.D Mistry, B.B Deshmukh, S.S Pardeshi, “Review of Micro milling machine and its various
    components”, International Conference on Industrial Engineering
    (ICIE 2013) , 20-22 Nov, 2013, SVNIT Surat.
    3. Chaudhari Priyanka R., Jadhav Aparna S., Bhavikatti S.S., Pardeshi S.S., Mishra P.K. “Retrofit Design and Development of a Micro Electroforming Machine”, 4th International & 25th All India Manufacturing Technology Design and Research (AIMTDR-2012), organized by Production Engineering Department, Jadhavpur University, Kolkatta, 14-16 December 2012 (Poster Presentation).
    4. Bhavikatti S S, Haribhakta V K, Pardeshi S S, Patil S B, Mishra P K“An Eco-Friendly Design Approach to the Development of a Laser-Based Micro Manufacturing Work-Station”, 4th International & 25th All India Manufacturing Technology Design and Research (AIMTDR-2012), organized by Production Engineering Department, Jadhavpur University, Kolkatta, 14-16 December 2012.
    5. P R Chaudhari, A S Jadhav, S S Bhavikatti, S S Pardeshi, P K Mishra,“Development of a Micro Electroforming Machine” at “An International Conference on PRECISION, MESO, MICRO, AND NANO ENGINEERING” organized by College of Engineering, Pune 10-11 December 2011.
    6. Aditya Bhedasgaonkar, Milind Vaidya, Sujit Pardeshi,“A review of recent trends in machining of carbides using WEDM” at “2ndInternational Conference on Recent Advances in Material Processing Technology (RAMPT-2009)”,organized by Society for Manufacturing Engineers with NEC, Kovilpattti, 25-27, February 2009.
    7. Sachin J Kamble, Bhupendrakumar Markam, Sujit S Pardeshi,“Analysis for Surface Roughness of machining of carbides using wire electric discharge machine” at “International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (AME-2008)”, organized by SVNIT Surat, 15-17, December 2008.
    8. Abhay Mishra, Ashwin Kucharia, S S Pardshi, P J Selmokar, S R Kajale, “Experimental investigation of variation in surface roughness during wire electric discharge machining” at “13th International Conference of Nonconventional Technology” organized by Technical University “GH. ASACHI” of LASI, Romania, 17-18 May 2007.

    National Conference
    1. Aditya Bhedasgaonkar, Annez Shaikh, S S Pardeshi, S M Usturge, “Single minute exchange of dies and quick hangovers for cycle time reduction in Hobbing machines” at “National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (NCAME 09)”, organized by Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Andheri (W) ,Mumbai – 400 053 January, 15-16, 2009.
    2. Nikhil Seth, Mitesh Oswal, Sujit Pardeshi, D. C. Chandekar, “Reducing cycle time of CNC machines” at “National Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering (NCRAME 08)”, organized by Department of Mechanical NIT, Silchar, Assam, December 20- 21, 2008.
    3. S S Pardeshi, K G Patil, “Effect of process variables on power required for cutting stainless steel plates using plasma arc” at “National Conference on Recent Trends in Manufacturing & Thermal Engineering”, Institute of Technology, Vellore, April 11-12, 2006.
    4. J K Ukey, S S Sawant, S S Pardeshi, on “Performance enhancement of windmill using expert system” at National Conference on Energy and Fuel Issues of Future (NCEFIF 04), November 5-6 2004, College of Engineering, Pune. (Poster presentation)

    Memberships and Affiliations

    Life Member ISTE

    Current Projects

    Development of Virtual Laboratory in the subject “Micromachining” an MHRD project.