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COEP Technological University

A Unitary Public University of Government of Maharashtra
(Formerly College of Engineering Pune)

  • Dr. S. S. Bhavikatti

    Dr. S. S. Bhavikatti

    Phone: 020-2550-7903


    Associate Professor




    Teaching Experience: 34 Years
    Industrial Experience: 1 Year

    Teaching responsibility

    Theory of Machine I and II, Vehicle Dynamics

    Additional responsibility

    Staff Advisor (Third Year)
    Mentorship Programme Co ordinator
    Vice President, Gymkhana


    1. “ Investigation for Hardening of Cast Iron using Low- power Fiber Laser”, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, ISSN: 2277-3754, Volume 2, Issue 2, August 2012, 42 – 46.
    2. “ Analytical Solution to Transient Heat Conduction Equation”, International Engineering Journal, 5th October 2015, 5 – 11.
    3. “ Design and Development of Laser Manipulation System for Hardening of cylinder liner”, International Engineering Journal, 5th October 2015, 1 – 4.
    4. “ Experimntal and Numerical Analysis of FRP Butt Joint between Aluminium and Steel Pipes using Glass Fiber Matrix under Tensile Loading”, International Engineering Journal, 5th October 2015, 17 – 21.
    5. “ Experimental Analysis of GFRP butt-joint under Leak Test”, International Engineering Journal, 5th October 2015, 12 – 16.
    6. ” A Thermal Modeling for Micro and Macro Spot Laser Transformation Hardening”, Proceedings of the 2nd International and 23rd AIMTDR Conf. 2008 , pp 837-842.
    7. “An Eco-Friendly Design Approach to the Development of a Laser-Based Micro Manufacturing Work-Station”, Proceedings of the 4th International and 25th AIMTDR Conf 2012, pp 1306-1310.
    8. “Retrofit Design and Development of a Micro Electroforming Machine”, 4th International and 25th All India Manufacturing Technology Design and Research (AIMTDR-2012), organised by Production Engineering Department, Jadhavpur University, Kolkatta, 14-16 Dec. 2012.
    9. “ Development of a Micro Electrforming Machine” at An International Conference on PRESICION, MESO, MICRO, AND NANO ENGINEERING” ORGANISED BY College of Engineering, Pune 10 – 11 Dec. 2011, pp 144 – 148.
    Dr. V.M. Domkundwar and S.S.Bhavikatti, “Basic Mechanical Engineering”, Nirali Prakashan, 2013. ISBN: 978-93-82448-92-1

    Memberships and Affiliations

    ISTE LM 15054