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COEP Technological University

A Unitary Public University of Government of Maharashtra
(Formerly College of Engineering Pune)

  • Dr. P. S. Shinde

    Dr. P. S. Shinde

    Phone: 020-2550-7926


    PhD – Mechanical ISM Dhanbad
    M.E. Mechanical (Design Engineering)- PREC,Loni
    B.E. Mechanical- SRES CoE,Kopargaon,

    Teaching Responsibility:

    1. Engineering Graphics I & II FE
    2. Basic Mechanical Engineering FE
    3. Theory of Machines-I SE
    4. Strength of Machine Elements SE
    5. Machine Drawing SE
    6. Computer Graphics SE
    7. Design of Machine Elements TE
    8. Transmission System Design TE
    9. Mechanical System Design BE
    10. Advance Stress Analysis ME(Design)
    11. Design Engineering ME(Design)

    Papers Published in International Journals:

    1.“Reduction in Stress Intensity Factor of a Compact Tension Specimen by Bonding Symmetrical GFRP Patches”, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C, July 2013, Volume 94, Issue 3, pp 239-244
    2.“Critical J-Integral of Thin Aluminium Sheets Employing a Modified Single Edge Plate Specimen”, International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER), Vol.2, Issue 3, May-June 2012, pp- 1360-1365, ISSN: 2249-6645
    3. “Fracture Toughness of Thin Aluminium Sheets using Modified Single Edge Notch Specimen”, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT),Volume 1, Issue 5, May 2012, pp- 283-288, ISSN: 2277-3754
    4.“Review Paper on Analysis of Composite Patches as a Crack Arrestor”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Medwell Journals, ISSN: 1816-949X, Vol. 6(3), 2011, pp- 222-226

    Papers Presented in International Conferences:

    1. “Wear Analysis of Advanced Low Friction Surface Coating Materials” in the ‘International Conference on Industrial Tribology’ (ICIT-07) at I.I.Sc., Bangalore
    2. “Harmonic Analysis of Motorcycle chassis frame (800cc) by using FFT Analyzer” in the ‘International Conference on Advances in Machine Design & Industry Automation’ (ICAMDIA-2007) at COE, Pune, along with Mr. S.V. Bhaskar & Mr. D.P. Bhaskar
    3. “Analysis & Optimization of Interference Fit for Shaft-Hub Connection using FEM” in the ‘International Conference on Advances in Machine Design & Industry automation’ (ICAMDIA-2007) at COE, Pune, along with Mr. S.V. Bhaskar & Mr. D.P. Bhaskar
    4. “Dynamic Analysis of Motorcycle chassis frame (800cc) by Finite Element Analysis” in ‘Engineering 2007’at I.I.Sc., Bangalore, along with Mr. S.V. Bhaskar
    5. “Modal Analysis of Motorcycle Chassis frame by Right Combination of Finite Element Method and Experimental Method” in ‘Engineering 2007’at I.I.Sc., Bangalore
    6. “Modal Analysis on Passive Suspension System for Cars using Quarter Car, Half Car & Full Car Model Simulations” in International Conference & Exhibition on Total Engineering, Analysis & Manufacturing Technologies (Team Tech 2008) at I.I.Sc., Bangalore
    7. “Therotical and Experimental Analysis of Motorcycle Chassis(800 cc) Frame using FEM and FFT Analyser” in International Conference & Exhibition on Total Engineering, Analysis & Manufacturing Technologies (Team Tech 2008) at I.I.Sc., Bangalore, along with Mr. S.V. Bhaskar & Mr. L.S. Dhamande
    8. “Non-linear Finite Element Analysis Approach to a Vehicle Structure Crashworthiness” in International Conference & Exhibition on Total Engineering, Analysis & Manufacturing Technologies (Team Tech 2008) at I.I.Sc., Bangalore, along with Mr. S.V. Bhaskar & Mr. L.S. Dhamande
    9. “ Experimental-cum-Numerical technique to determine Critical J-Integral of thin Aluminium Specimen”, 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Composite Materials (ICRACM-2013), International Centre Goa, India, February 18-21, 2013.
    10. “Validation of Experimental-Cum-Numerical technique for Critical J-Integral of thin Sheet through begley and landes approach” Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, May 29-31, 2013, COEP, Pune, Maharashtra, India, along with V. K. Tripathi, K. K. Singh, P. K. Sarkar & P. Kumar

    Papers Presented in National Conferences

    1. “Repair of a cracked specimen of acrylic sheet through bonding GFRP patches, ISAMPE National Conference on Composites, INCOMM 10, DRDO, Pune, Nov. 18-19, 2011
    2. “Fracture toughness of thin sheets of Aluminium alloy 6061-T6”, XVII National Seminar on Aerospace structures, IIT Kanpur, Sept. 22-24, 2011.
    3. “Dynamic Analysis of Motorcycle chassis frame (800cc) by using FFT Analyzer” in the ‘National Conference on ‘Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering’ (RTME-2007) at SJCE, Mysore, along with Mr. S.V. Bhaskar
    4. “Wear Analysis of Metal Nitrides as Low Friction Surface Coating Materials” in the ‘National Conference on ‘Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering’ (RTME-2007) at SJCE, Mysore

    Workshops/Seminars Attended

    1. TEQIP sponsored FDP on “Nano materials and Nano composites”, College of Engineering Pune, 3-7 Dec. 2012
    2. Lab view Course on “Graphical programming Language Lab VIEW & its Industrial Applications”, College of Engineering Pune, 7-11 May 2012.
    3. Two week ISTE workshop on “Introduction to Research Methodologies”, conducted by IIT Bombay, 25 June – 4 July 2012.
    4. One Week TEQIP sponsored IUCEE workshop on Scientific Computations on general purpose Graphical Processing Units (GPGPU), College of Engineering Pune, 18-22 June 2012.
    5. Dale Carnegie Training on “High Impact Teaching Skills”, College of Engineering Pune, 12-13 March 2012
    6. Mission10X Workshop on “High Impact Teaching Skills” at college of Engineering Pune, 12-16 March 2012
    7. Co- organized & attended One day workshop on “Non linear Finite Element Analysis”, College of Engineering Pune, Sept. 2010.
    8. One day seminar on “Power of FEA, Best practices in structural Analysis [statics & Dynamics], Bangalore, 3 sept. 2010
    9. Undergone Training on “ Multi-Disciplinary Optimization” at Pro-SIM, Bangalore, 1-2 Sept. 2010
    10. Workshop on Advanced Non Linear Finite Element Analysis at college of Engineering Pune, 9-10 April 2010.
    11. One day workshop on “Finalization of Revised Syllabus (2003) of Thermal Engineering Subjects at SE/TE/BE (Mechanical Engineering)” on 17th February 2004 at SRES’s COE, Kopargaon.
    12. Two days workshop on “Application of Soft Computing Tools in Engineering (ASCTE-2005)” organized by Civil Engineering Department of SRES College of Engineering, Kopargaon on 19-20th Feb. 2005.
    13. One day workshop on “Competency Development Programme” organized by Mechanical Engg. Dept., of Sir Visvesvaraya Memorial Engineering College, Nashik on 23rd April 2005.
    14. Two days workshop on “Engineering Faculties Industrial Training Programme” organized by Crompton Greaves Ltd., Aurangabad, from 25 to 26 July 2006.
    15. 3-day training program on “AutoDesk INVENTOR Professional 11” jointly organized by Aura Software Pvt. Ltd., Pune & Mechanical Engg. Dept. of SRES’s COE, Kopargaon during 05th to 07th Jan 2007.
    16. Two days workshop on “Cam and Robotics” organized by SRES’s COE, Kopargaon on March 16-17, 2007.

    Memberships and Affiliations

    1. Life Member of Indian Society for Advancement of Materials & process Engineering (ISAMPE) (L-1279)
    2. Life Member of ISTE (LM 50005)
    3. Life Member of Tribology Society of India (TSI) (LM 3780)

    Current Projects

    Fracture toughness of thin sheets,
    Optimum design of composite patches,
    Crack arrestor,
    House hold wind mill,
    Wear analysis of surface coating materials.