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COEP Technological University

A Unitary Public University of Government of Maharashtra
(Formerly College of Engineering Pune)

  • Dr. Arati Mulay

    Dr. Arati Mulay

    Associate Professor, PhD. Coordinator - Production Engineering

    Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Industrial Management,

    Phone: 020-25507710


    Qualification Board / University Year of Passing Class / Division
    D.M.E B.T.E., M.S., Mumbai 1996 I Class
    B.E.(Mech.) University of Pune 1999 I Class
    M.Tech (Manufacturing Engg. and Automation) University of Pune 2005 Distinction
    Ph.D. (Production Engg.) University of Pune  June 2010 —-



    Industrial (4 years) + Teaching ( 21 yrs. 5 months)

    Industry/ Institute Designation Period of Service Total years of Experience
    Camtek, Pune Jr. Engineer June 1999 to May 2000 1 year
    CMMSoft, Hadapsar, Pune Application Engg June 2000 to July 2003 3 years
    Mechanical Engineering Dept., M.I.T College of Engg., Pune Lecturer Aug. 2003 to Oct. 2003 3 M
    Production Engineering Dept., COE, Pune Lecturer Nov. 2003 to Dec. 2007 4 Yrs. 1M
    Asst. Professor Jan 2008 to Jan 2011 3Yrs. 1M
    Asso. Professor Feb 2011, till date 14 Yrs.

    Research Interest/Area

    Additive Manufacturing, Reverse Engineering , CAD/CAM


    Sr. No. Authors Title Conference/Journal Date Pages
    1 Mrs. Arati Mulay, Prof. R. M. Kelkar Finite Element Analysis of Corrugated Shells Used In Heat Exchangers: A Case Study National Conference on Advances in Manufacturing Technology in the Era of Globalisation (AMTEG) – 2005, Pune January 21 – 22, 2005 231-238
    2 Mrs. Arati Mulay, Dr. B. B. Ahuja Scanned data triangulation for Rapid Product Development National Conference on Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing [RPM-2009], Bangalore May 12-13, 2009 59-68
    3 Mrs. Arati Mulay, Dr. B. B. Ahuja “Automatic Surface Generation using Octree Segmentation and Delaunay Triangulation from Unorganized Data” Sixth International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering, Coimbatore 11-12 December 2009 A-5 to A-12
    4 Dr. (Mrs.) Arati Mulay, Dr. B. B. Ahuja “Adaptive Method for Rapid Product Development from Unorganised Point Cloud Data” Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India), Vol. 91 March 18, 2011 3-8
    5 Dr. (Mrs.) Arati Mulay, Dr. B.B.Ahuja “New Method for Transformation of Scattered Point Cloud Data into Organised Data for Rapid Product Development” Journal of Central Manufacturing Technology Institute, Vol. 10, Issue 11&12 Nov-Dec 2011 17-27
    6 Dr. (Mrs.) Arati Mulay, Dr. B. B. Ahuja “Different Algorithms for Generation of STL file for Measured Point Cloud Data” International Conference on “Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing Technologies, 2012”, Bangalore 27-28th August 2012
    7 Dr. (Mrs.) Arati Mulay, Dr.B.B.Ahuja “Finding a best fit plane to non coplanar point cloud data using non linear and linear equations” Asian International Journal of Science of Technology in Production and Manufacturing Engineering, Vol. 2 May-August 2013 17-23
    8 Mr. Nikhil Kumbhar, Dr. (Mrs.) Arati Mulay, Dr. B.B.Ahuja “Scanned Data Triangulation using Delaunay Tetrahedralization approach for 3D Point Cloud Data” 4th International & 25th All India Manufacturing Technology Design and Research (AIMTDR-2012), Kolkata 14-16 December, 2012 643-648
    9 Mr. Vikas N. Chougule, Dr. (Mrs.) Arati V. Mulay, Dr. B. B. Ahuja “Three Dimensional Point Cloud Generations from CT SCAN Images for Bio-Cad Modeling” 3rd International Conference on ‘Rapid Prototyping & Manufacturing Technologies’ (AM 2013), Bangalore October 7-8, 2013
    10 Mr. Vikas N. Chougule, Dr. (Mrs.) Arati V. Mulay, Dr. B. B. Ahuja Conversion of CT Scan images into 3D point cloud data for the development of 3D solid model using B-rep Scheme An International Conference on PRECISION, MESO, MICRO AND NANO ENGINEERING December 13-15, 2013 630-635
    11 Mr. Nikhil Kumbhar, Dr. (Mrs.) Arati Mulay, Dr.B.B.Ahuja Physical Replication of Human Bone using Direct integration of Reverse Engineering and Rapid Prototyping Techniques The 5th International and 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2014), Guwahati December 12-14, 2014 189-1-5
    12 Mr. Vikas N. Chougule, Dr. (Mrs.) Arati V. Mulay, Dr. B. B. Ahuja Development of patient specific implants for Minimum Invasive Spine Surgeries (MISS) from non-invasive imaging techniques by reverse engineering and additive manufacturing techniques Procedia Engineering 97 December (2014) 212-219
    13 S. N. Patil, A. V. Mulay, B. B. Ahuja Development of Experimental Setup of Metal Rapid Prototyping Machine Using Selective Laser Sintering Technique International Conference on Additive Manufacturing, 3D Printing & 3D Scanning (ICAM-3D), Chennai 6-7 Feb,2015
    14 A. S. Kelkar, N. N. Kumbhar, A. V. Mulay Surface Roughness Measurement of Parts Manufactured by FDM Process Using Light Sectioning Vision System. International Conference on Additive Manufacturing, 3D Printing & 3D Scanning (ICAM-3D), Chennai 6-7 Feb,2015
    15 N. N. Kumbhar, A. V. Mulay Post processing methods used to improve surface finish of products which are manufactured by Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies – A review International Conference on Additive Manufacturing, 3D Printing & 3D Scanning (ICAM-3D), Chennai 6-7 Feb,2015
    16 V. N. Chougule, A. V. Mulay Methodologies for Development of Patient Specific Bone Models from Human Body CT Scans International Conference on Additive Manufacturing, 3D Printing& 3D Scanning (ICAM-3D), Chennai 6-7 Feb,2015
    17 Satwik Kulkarni, Abhinav Joshi, Arati Mulay Measurement of Surface roughness using Non-Contact Vision Based Technique 4th International Conference on Advances in Metrology – AdMet2015 25-27 Feb, 2015
    18 V.A.Kulkarni, A. V. Mulay, B.B.Ahuja Pooled Error Mapping of Probe type Co-ordinate Measuring Machine International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER), Vol 6, Issue 3 March 2015 242 – 245
    19 Anjali P Rajan, Dr. A V Mulay, Dr. B B Ahuja An Automated Acupressure Glove For Stress & Pain Relief Using 3D Printing 5th International Conference & Exhibition on Additive Manufacturing Technologies – AM 2015 – Bangalore
    20 V. N. Chougule, A. V. Mulay, B. B. Ahuja Patient Specific Bone Modeling for Minimum Invasive Spine Surgery J Spine 4:249:doi:10 4172/2165-7939.1000249 Vo;. 4, Issue 4
    21 Kartik Bakshi, A.V.Mulay A Review on Selective Laser Sintering: A Rapid Prototyping Technology Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (JMCE), Pune 10-11th March 2016 PP 53-57
    22 V. N. Chougule, A. V. Mulay Modeling of Complex and Freeform Surfaces by using Reverse Engineering Approach Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (JMCE), Pune 10-11th March 2016 PP 11-15
    23 V. N. Chougule, A. V. Mulay Review: Analysis and Manufacturing of Ankle Foot Orthosis for Foot Drop Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (JMCE), Pune 17-18th March 2017 PP. 12-15
    24 V. N. Chougule, A. V. Mulay Partial Foot Amputation, Finite Element Analysis of Foot and Manufacturing of Prosthtic Sockets: A Review Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (JMCE), Pune 17-18th March 2017 PP. 01-06
    25 N.N. Kumbhar and A.V. Mulay Finishing of Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) Printed Parts by CO2 Laser 6th International & 27th AIMTDR Conference, Pune 16th – 18th December, 2016 pp 63–67
    26 Ravikiran Shinde, Sharadchandra Bansode, Sandesh Patil and Dr. Arati Mulay Improvement of Surface Roughness of FDM Parts (ABS) using Vapour Polishing Technique 6th International & 27th AIMTDR Conference, Pune 16th – 18th December, 2016 pp 122–125
    27 V. N. Chougule, A. V. Mulay, B. B. Ahuja Clinical Case Study: Spine Modeling for Minimum Invasive Spine Surgeries (MISS) using Rapid Prototyping 10th International Conference On Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN 10), Chennai December 07 – 09, 2017 96-102
    28 Mayur Sanas, A. V. Mulay, B. B. Ahuja Finite Element Analysis of Bone Scaffold Architecture NAFEMS Conference 20-21 July, 2018
    29 Sharadchandra Bansode and Dr. Arati Mulay Development of Open-source FDM Printer to Produce Casting Patterns and Analysis of Printed Parts for Dimensional Accuracy Manufacturing Technology Today, Volume 18, Issue 8 August 2019
    30 Aishwarya Gavai, A. V. Mulay Position control of BLDC motor using s-curve for trajectory planning and feed forward control design 10th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), Kanpur 2019 1-6
    31 Mr. M. N. Shaikh, Dr. A V Mulay, Dr. B B Ahuja Effect of Fussed Deposition Modeling Machine Parameters and Post Processing Parameters by Solvent Dipping on Surface Finish and Coating of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Sample 7th International conference on advancements and futuristic trends in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, IIT Ropar 5th-7th December 2019
    32 Pooja Padyal, Dr. A. Mulay, Dr. M.R. Dhanvijay Experimental assessment of Repeatability of Openware 3D Printer International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 07 Issue: 05 May 2020 1352-1357
    33 Owee Angare, Dr. Arati V Mulay Bio-Inspired Biped Robotic locomotion 2020 IJRAR June 2020, Volume 7, Issue 2 June 2020 12-17
    34 Mayur Sanas, A. V. Mulay, B. B. Ahuja Assessment on effect of physical parameters of scaffold on its strength through finite element analysis 9th National Conference on Recent Development In Mechanical Engineering [RDME – 2021], Pune 18th August 2021
    35 S. A. Bhagwat, M. Rochlani, S. N. Patil, A. V. Mulay Development of economical selective laser sintering setup for Metal additive manufacturing 9th National Conference on Recent Development In Mechanical Engineering [RDME – 2021], Pune 18th August 2021
    36 J.K. Bagwan, B.B. Ahuja, A.V. Mulay, Kishore J. Jawale Geometrical Analysis of Extrusion based (Additively Manufactured) 3D designed scaffold for bone Tissue Engineering: A finite element approach Materials Today: proceedings (ELSEVIER)
    37 Mayur Sanas, A. V. Mulay Evaluating biological behavior of Kelvin cellular bone scaffold Materials Today: proceedings (ELSEVIER)
    38 Shubham Kakade, Arati Mulay, Sandesh Patil IoT-based real-time online monitoring system for open ware FDM printers Materials Today: proceedings (ELSEVIER), Volume 67, Part 2 2022 363-367
    39 Shaikh Faisal, Arati Mulay, Mayur Sawant Evaluation of SS 316L TPMS Lattice Structures Manufactured Using SLM Process 2nd Indian International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Warangal August 16-18, 2022
    40 Shubham Kambale, Manoj Rathod, Sandesh Patil, Arati Mulay Comparative study of characterization of SS316L metal powders used in additive manufacturing International Conference on Advanced Materials, Metallurgy and Manufacturing 2022 2022
    41 Sandesh Patil, Arati Mulay Development of Low-cost Metal Additive Manufacturing Technology Machine : A Review 1st International Conference on Advanced Materials, Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering – AMMIE 2023 2023


    Sr. No. Application No. Title Status
    1 1464/MUM/2015 An Orthopedic Plaster Splint [Full specified] Granted
    2 1465/MUM/2015 An Automated Acupressure Glove [Full specified] Granted
    3 4473/MUM/2015 A Portable Haemoglobin Quantification Device [Full specified] Granted
    4 4474/MUM/2015 An auto-retractable assistive device for dialysis [Full specified] Granted
    5 201621034738 A system and method for development of patient specific path guidance tool [Provisional] Granted
    6 201621034740 A System and Method for Pre-Surgical Planning using Non-Invasive Imaging Techniques [Provisional] Granted
    7 201621042767 A Vapour Polishing Apparatus for 3D Printed Jobs [Provisional] Granted
    8 201621042698 A Generalised Path Guidance Tool to assist in Minimum Invasive Surgery of Lumbar Spine Granted
    9 201821032968 A Multilayered Rapid Tooling for Electric Discharge Machining Applied
    10 201821041921 CMM Interim Check by using Zirconia-CFRP Ball Plate Artifact Applied

    Recent Teachings (last three years teaching specified)

    Academic Year Semester I Semester II
    A.Y. 2023-24
    1. CAD-CAM-CIM
    2. Advanced and Additive Manufacturing Technology
    1. Machining Science and Technology
    2. Metrology and Quality Inspection
    3. Materials Management
    A.Y. 2022-23
    1. CAD-CAM-CIM
    2. Additive Manufacturing
    1. Machining Science and Technology
    2. Materials Management
    A.Y. 2021-22
    1. CAD-CAM-CIM
    2. Additive Manufacturing
    1. Machining Science and Technology
    2. Enterprise Resource Planning

    Funded Projects

    Sr. No. Title of The Project Funding Agency/Industry Amount in Rs. Lakh Year Status
    1 Integration of Reverse Engineering and Rapid prototyping for Rapid Product Development Autodesk India Pvt. Ltd., Pune 11.00 2010-2011 Completed
    2 Measurement of Surface Roughness using Light Sectioning Microscope and Vision system AICTE-RPS 12.00 2011-2012 Completed
    3 Biomedical Engineering & Technology Incubation Centre (BETiC) Rajiv Gandhi Science and Technology Commission, Govt. of Maharashtra 250.00 2013-14 Completed
    4 3D Make Lab Geometric Ltd., Mumbai 120.00 2015-17 Completed
    5 SMART Foundry 2020 Department of Science and Technology 54.00 2016-20 Completed
    6 Indigenous Hospital Bed for Differently Abled Population TEQIP Collaborative Research Scheme 7.56 2019-20 Ongoing
    7 Integrated System of Steel Powder Synthesis using Plasma Assisted Atomization Method suitable for Indigenously developed Metal 3D Printer using Selective LASER Sintering (SLS) Technique. DST – Technology Development Transfer (AMT) 48.42 2023-2024 Ongoing