Dr. Pradeep.K.Deshmukh
Associate Professor & Head of the Department
pkd @ coeptech.ac.in; hod.comp@coeptech.ac.in
Computer Science and Engineering Department, COEP Technological University Pune
Phone: 9922266346/365
Research Interests
Research in Cloud computing, Distributed Computing
Research Interests
Theoretical Computer Science, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Security in Networks, Cloud and Edge Computing, Data Structures and Algorithms
Dr. Vahida .Z. Attar
Dean, School of Computational Sciences
Dept. of CSE, COEP Tech , Pune
Phone: O: 02025507304, M: +919420496468
Research Interests
• Computer Vision and Deep Learning • Social Networks and Media Analysis • Data mining and Machine Learning • Big Data Analytics • Natural Language Processing
Research Interests
Cryptography and Network Security
Dr. Yashodhara V. Haribhakta
Associate Professor & Director (Board of Examinations and Evaluation), COEPTech University
Computer Science and Engineering Department, COEP Technological University Pune
Phone: 9423567720 , office: (020) 25507313
Research Interests
Natural language Processing, Large Language Models, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science
Mr Pravin Revankar
Assistant Professor
Computer Science and Engineering Department, COEP Technological University Pune
Research Interests
Research Interests
Dr. Sunil B. Mane
Associate Professor
CSE Department, COEP Technological University, Shivajinagar, Pune
Phone: 020-25507321
Research Interests
Information and Cyber Security, Machine and Deep Learning, Blockchain, Data Analytics
Mr. Santosh Nanarao Ghotkar
Assistant Professor
Dept. Of Computer Engineering COEPTech. University, Shivaji Nagar Pune 411046
Phone: 020-25507309
Research Interests
Compiler Construction, Operating system, System software
Research Interests
Computer Networking, Network and Cyber Security, Wireless and Mobile Security
Mr. Satish Shivaji Kumbhar
Assistant Professor
Computer Science and Engineering Department, COEP Technological University Pune
Phone: 020-25507312
Research Interests
Computer Networks, Wireless network systems, System Administration
Mr. Siddharth Kisan Gaikwad
Assistant Professor
Computer Science and Engineering Department, COEP Technological University Pune
Phone: +91 9823893110
Research Interests
IoT, Computer Network, Wireless network systems
Research Interests
Databases, Advanced Databases, Data Mining, Data Science, Information Retrieval.
Research Interests
Free Software, Operating Systems, Programming
Dr. Amit D. Joshi
Assistant Professor
adj.comp@coeptech.ac.in, amitjoshi@acm.org
Dept. of CSE, Third Floor, E& TC Extension Building, North Campus, COEP Technological University, Shivajinagar Pune 411005 (Unitary Public University of Government of Maharashtra) Shivajinagar, Pune
Phone: (O) +91-25507314
Research Interests
Parallel & Distributed Computing, Multicore & GPU Architectures and Programming, High Performance Computing
Research Interests
Biometric security, Precision Farming, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep learning
Research Interests
Multicore Architechtures, Parallel & Distributed Computing, Machine Learning
Dr.Tanuja Rajesh Pattanshetti
Assistant Professor
Computer Science and Engineering Department, COEP Technological University Pune
Phone: +91 20 2550 7324
Research Interests
Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics, Software Engineering, Software testing and quality assurance, Service Oriented Architecture, Cloud computing and security, Cloud computing and virtualisation.
Research Interests
Quantum Computing, Digital Twin, Geospatial Technology, Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Dr. Vijay M. Khadse
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Shivaji nagar Pune , Maharashtra 411005
Phone: 020-25507316
Research Interests
Machine Learning, Data Science and Internet of Things
Research Interests
Artificial Intelligence
Ms.Trishna Ugale
Assistant Professor
Computer Department main building
Research Interests
AI/ML/DL, Federated learning, CV, Image processing
Research Interests
Data Structure, Computer Network, Distributed Operating System, Programming etc
Research Interests
Data Structures and Algorithms, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Data Science
Research Interests
Machine Learning, Data Structure and Algorithms, Programming lang. C/C++, Python
Research Interests
Python, C/CPP, Data Structure, SQL, Machine Learning, Data Science, Object Oriented programming.
Research Interests
Computer Networks, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing
Research Interests
Research Interests
Data Structures, Algorithms, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Artificial Intelligence
Research Interests
Space Science | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Data Science & Analytics | Civil Services (Union + State)
Research Interests
Machine Learning, Big Data. Data Analytics
Research Interests
Information Retrieval, Full Stack Development, Image Processing, ML
Research Interests
Data structure, Object oriented programming, python
Ms. Tina Francis
Adjunct Faculty
Computer Science and Engineering Department, COEP Technological University Pune
Research Interests
Programming for Problem Solving, Algorithms, Operating Systems, System Programming.
Research Interests
Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Big Data, Python